Supporting the Colorado Theatre Community Through

Connection, Celebration, Advocacy, and Education

Jobs + Auditions

Our easy-to-use jobs board provides details on jobs, auditions, 以及科罗拉多州娱乐圈的实习机会.

Looking to hire? Post your job or audition here.

Shows + Events

我们的活动日历是科罗拉多剧院协会成员剧院表演的中心枢纽. 您现在可以按关键字、日期搜索演出,或按月查看即将举行的演出.

Workshops + Classes

无论你是刚开始还是经验丰富的舞台老手,我们的选择 ongoing classes and periodic workshops 会帮助你在表演、试镜、即兴表演等方面获得信心吗.

Henry Awards

网络线上娱乐网站平台推荐表彰在过去一个赛季中取得的杰出成就——提名是通过由100多名全州同行专业人士进行的评审过程确定的, academics/educators and other theatre lovers.

Colorado Theatre Guild

2024 Henry Awards

科罗拉多州戏剧协会的第18届年度网络线上娱乐网站平台推荐将于周日晚上举行, July 28, 2024年在孤树艺术中心举行,晚上7点开始.

More Info Coming Soon!

Over 40 Years

of bringing the Colorado Theatre community together

网络线上娱乐网站平台推荐的成立是为了支持科罗拉多戏剧社区, entertainment businesses, and the theatre-going public. As an arts guild, 我们是一个蓬勃发展和创新的组织,促进文化, entertainment, and educational benefits of live theatre. 成员组织支持CTG,并帮助保持戏剧在科罗拉多州的强大.

Upcoming Events

Event Series James & the Giant Peach

James & the Giant Peach

The Lincoln Center 417 W. Magnolia Street, Fort Collins, CO, United States

“A little magic can take you a long way."和年轻的詹姆斯·亨利·特罗特一起在世界上最大的桃子里展开史诗般的冒险! Accompanied by a wise […]


Good People

The Wright Opera House 472 Main Street, Ouray

由UpstART剧院创作,赖特歌剧院制作,, Mature Audiences Welcome to Southie, 波士顿的一个社区,在镇上过夜意味着几轮[…]

Event Series Kinky Boots

Kinky Boots

Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre 800 Grand Avenue, Grand Lake, CO, United States

查理·普莱斯不情愿地继承了他父亲的鞋厂, which is on the verge of bankruptcy. Trying to […]

$45 – $65


The Bug Theatre 3654 Navajo Street, Denver, CO, United States

《js娱乐场推荐网站》杰克·道金斯(在丹佛边缘)《js娱乐场推荐网站》是一部独一无二的生活纪录片, a combination of live music, storytelling, performance art, and documentary footage to create an immersive, […]

Event Series Andy


The People’s Building 9995 E. Colfax Avenue, Aurora, CO, United States

安迪是一个兄弟秀以下大学曲棍球运动员,安迪,因为他开始在校园性教育俱乐部. 一部分是戏剧,一部分是工作坊,一部分是你一生中最棒的啤酒聚会,[…]


Whore’s Eye View

Rise Comedy 1260 22nd St, Denver, CO

《js娱乐场推荐网站》从性工作者的角度疯狂地穿越了一万年的历史. Weaving history, comedic storytelling, and the wisdom of lived experience, Kaytlin Bailey artfully […]



The Lodge at Woods Boss 675 22nd St, Denver

《网络线上娱乐网站平台推荐》是一部关于珍晚期成长的自传式故事:一个浪漫的白日梦家,她在8岁的时候就应该知道自己是同性恋. Through […]

The Bluebird

The Savoy Denver 2700 Arapahoe Street, Denver

剧场阿蒂布斯将“蓝鸟”作为丹佛艺穗节的一部分. 《网络线上娱乐网站平台推荐》是一部无声的奥德赛,灵感来自查尔斯·布可夫斯基令人回味的诗歌《网络线上娱乐网站平台推荐》,以及[…]


A Message From
Our President

On behalf of the entire Colorado Theatre Guild, 感谢您在过去一季对现场戏剧的支持. 当我们进入(所谓的)大流行后世界时,戏剧制作并没有变得更容易. 虽然房子已经售罄,还有很多值得庆祝的事情, 戏剧界在可持续发展方面仍然存在巨大的困难. 活力四射的剧院在上一季纷纷关门歇业, 许多影院仍在试图解开吸引观众回头率的谜团. 科罗拉多州的艺术家们对通货膨胀、汽油和食品价格的上涨非常敏感. 想要全职从事艺术工作,获得维持生活的工资比以往任何时候都要困难. Despite all of the hardship, 这个深受喜爱的戏剧社区创造了令人振奋和发人深省的戏剧,让我们惊叹不已, laugh, and take moments to pause. Thank you. Thank you for telling stories that stir our souls. To the playwrights, thank you! 一切都始于你在无数次重写和失眠的痛苦夜晚后提供的火花. 致每一位表演者,设计师,导演,制片人,管理员,舞台 manager, and volunteer, thank YOU. Live theatre can’t happen without you. 请知道,我们,你的CTG家庭,支持你. We are cheering you on. 我们相信你和现场戏剧的必要性, musical, immersive, small, medium, or large scale. 我们相信你们这些初出乍到的制片人,我们也很高兴老制片人仍在我们中间工作. 我们承诺继续利用现有资源为市民服务. We are here. We are listening. 我们很感激能成为科罗拉多戏剧界的一员.

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